How Chess Prodigy Darpan Inani’s Reward Money Got Lost in Translation?

Darpan Inani is a 25-year-old blind chess champion from Vadodara. Darpan participated in the Para Asian Games in China in 2023 and won two gold medals in Rapid Chess. While he was entitled to a reward of Rs. 3 crore reward, he only received Rs. 40 lakhs. It was then that Darpan was left with no other choice but to take the help of the Gujarat High Court seeking directions to the State Government and the Sports Authority Of Gujarat to release the rest of the cash reward payable under the 2022 sports policy for players winning international and national tournaments.

Darpan’s advocate Keyur Gandhi argued that the policy regarding cash rewards in the handicap category. Darpan perfectly fits within the category which made him eligible for the cash rewards.

Impressed with Darpan’s achievements, Justice V.D. Nanavati said, “It is commendable.” When Mr. Gandhi raised the concern about the unpaid cash reward in front of the court, Justice Nanavati added, “Even otherwise, encouragement is needed for such players.”

The Gujarat High Court sought a response from the Gujarat State Government.

Darpan Inani lost his eyesight at the age of 3 due to a reaction to an injection. This case serves as a wake-up call for a more inclusive and fair approach to rewarding sporting excellence. The dedication and talent of young champions like Darpan Inani deserve to be celebrated and nurtured, paving the way for a brighter future in Indian sports.

(Note: India accounts for around 20% of the global blind population. Project Eyeway is an initiative by Score Foundation that acts as a one-stop knowledge resource for those people who are living their lives with blindness. Eyeway operates a national toll-free Helpdesk — 1800 53 20469.)

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Project Eyeway is an initiative by Score Foundation.